We have voice outtakes from Ep. 15 & 16 that we will post sometime next week, as well as a short little movie that we made while filming 15/16. We're hoping to film Ep. 17 sometime this weekend as well as put out a new podcast episode.In the podcast, we would most likely review some of the Summer movies starting to appear, such as Speed Racer and Prince Caspian (we already covered Iron Man in our last ep.). So I think that's it for the updates. Now time for something fun.
The fellows over at Bungie.net (creators of Halo) had a little contest going. They gave us two pictures of one of their employees (Frank O'Connor) and told us to "Photoshop" him into some stuff.

Pic #1

Pic #2
Then they choose some of those pics and the people who get them get the All Mighty RECON ARMOR (also commonly referred to as "Reconz"). While I don't have Photoshop, there's a free program called Gimp that I decided to try my hand at. So, here are my entries: (SOME OF THE PICTURES GOT CUT OFF. JUST CLICK ON THEM TO SEE THE FULL IMAGE)

This is my first one. It looks like crap. I ended up redoing it (you'll see later on)

I made this one with the built-in editor on Photobucket.com. It's not half bad.

This one I didn't bother to enter because it again looks like crap. But I did learn how to cut around heads using the scissors :)

I like this one a lot, and it turned out pretty decent.

Used the Photobucket editor for this one...

...and this one

I'm very proud of this one. This includes some other people from Bungie like Marty O'Donnell, Luke Smith, and others.

Didn't submit this one either. Was a good idea, but the lines just didn't look good.

I didn't spend long on this one, and I didn't expect it to win anything. But it was fun :) (you can see Marty's head peeking into the pic)

I like this one a lot, too.
These last two I didn't get a chance to submit, but here they are:

Frankie Racer: (again with other people from Bungie)

And finally, the re-done Indy 4 pic. This is one of my favs as well. (once again, Marty's peeking in!)
So I probably won't get squat out of these, but you never know (fingers crossed!)...
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