Friday, October 20, 2006

Fri. Oct. 20, 2006 (and earlier)

Hi! It seems I have hardly posted much lately. Well, that's because I HAVEN'T! So, I will take some time to catch up.

Last Friday (Oct. 13 ...wait...FRIDAY THE 13TH!! AHHHHH!!!!), I decided to make a movie on a whim. This doesn't seem to happen much with me anymore. This could be because I'm always busy (mostly with trying to get TPCast on the net, but I'll talk about that later). Anyway, I made I 1 2 No. I'm very surprised I finished it in one day, but that's beside the point. The next day I was able to get it to a DVD and post it on Google Video. Everyone who has seen it seems to have liked it, so I'm making another one (I hope it will be as good!). So I am working on that.

But what I've been mostly working on is getting TPCast on the Internet instead of relying on email and me having to be online for you guys to download it. And FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!, I have succeeded (after countless hours spent finding just the right host that would actually work!)!!! Now, everyone can subscribe to TPCast through iTunes. Yea!!! Just go to the TP site and go to the page titled "TPCast". From there you will be led to the official site where you can subscribe.

Anyway, that's all I have to say. Wow! Glad to get that off my chest!

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