Well, I figured you've gone on long enough without a decent update. So here it is!
New VidAwesome:Since my last blog post, we've pumped out 2 releases:
Detective Awesome and the Day Job Whodunit and
Marlin the Elite - Episode 43: Space Invasion. Both are very good (if I don't say so myself) and deserve a watch.
Upcoming Plans: Due to the little setback with the Xbox (it red ringed), we are very behind schedule on our Marlin episodes. Seven more episodes by Christmas is a tall order, especially considering there are only about seven weeks left. We're going to do everything in our power to try and make that happen, but no promises. And this tight schedule pretty much means you can kiss a 2009 episode of Project Blackknight goodbye. Besides Marlin, we have another live-action video in mind. We're working on the script, and it's turning out pretty funny. If we follow through, you can expect to see it sometime next month.
Game Event = Win (even without Kevin & Kyle):We recently had our second Community Game Event this past Sunday, and it was just as good as the first. Thanks to everyone who was able to come! The only thing that could have made it better was the presence of Kevin & Kyle, who were sadly absent. Don't fret though. We'll have another one this year with all of us.
Website Troubles:Some may have noticed that the home page of our website is lacking in the "What's New" department. We're having some troubles with the HTML. Hopefully, we can get it solved pretty soon. If you're fuming that you can't get out blog and Twitter updates straight from our homepage, blame Microsoft.
And Speaking of Twitter...Follow us on Twitter! No, seriously. Follow us. We post updates pretty often, some even contain exclusive and fun content. For example:
"TP Fun Fact: All the footage filmed for Marlin the Elite Ep. 43 took up approximately 26.08 gigabytes of hard drive space."
And our special Halloween present to you guys, a cool Lemon Man wallpaper:

check out our Tweets. Please?
Also, if you're a Twitter user that has access to the Twitter Lists Beta, you can check out our
TP Twitter Accounts List. It has all of the Twitter accounts that are somehow related, like
my Twitter, or our
band's Twitter. This feature should become available to everyone else eventually, so don't worry if you can't access it now.
MachiniAwesome:While surfing Twitter, I came across this thing called the
MachinExpo. Basically you submit a piece of machinima that you've made, and if the judges think it's good enough, they'll include it in a special online screening. And if the judges really really like you're video, it could be nominated to win an award. Well of course I had to submit something. I sent
Friend their way and waited for a reply. Turns out they liked it, and will be screening it along with 40 other machinimas (chosen out of a pool of 150+). But alas, it didn't receive an award nomination. Still, it's something, and from what I can see, we were the only Halo machinima chosen.
The MachinExpo will be taking place on
Sunday, November 22 in the game
Second Life. Now I don't have play Second Life or know much about it, so I won't be attending. If
you do however, consider dropping by. The specific time and location has yet to be announced, so stay tuned to the
MachinExpo website for further details.
Update Go Bye-Bye:So that concludes this surely record-setting update. Make sure you're tuned in to our YoyTube channel. You never know when something might pop up.