Tuesday, April 29, 2008
April 29, 2008
Not much of an update today. I've been very busy finishing up the Marlin fan episode so it could be released tomorrow. I hope the fans will be pleased. We had a couple funny voice mess-ups/ ad libs that I kept, so I might make those into a little video at some point. I'm hoping to film Marlin episodes 15 & 16 very soon, maybe this weekend. By the way, thanks for those of you who voted in the TPMAs. I think the live show will be on Saturday, but I'm not completely sure yet. So keep your eyes open for news on that.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Fri. April 25, 2008
The Marlin Xbox Live account has been received well; as of now, the account has 29 friends (and that's not including Kevin & Kyle's account or my account)! I recently made a banner for Kyle's blog, so I hope it adds some coolness. I've also been making some promo pics for the new series we're working on, and they're looking pretty sweet. You guys will get to see all of them when the time is right. And lastly, nows your last chance to vote in the TPMAs!!! Deadline is this Saturday at 11:59 P.M.!!! So go and vote now!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
April 21, 2008 Part 2
A new episode of the TPCast is up, so go check that out:

The new Legendary map pack is here, and in this episode of the TPCast, we review them. Also, we discuss how the Marlin the Elite fan episode went as well as two new movies we made, and some developments on the Star Wars Clone Wars animated movie.
April 21, 2008
Just a super quick message. Kyle has started up a blog and I would recommend that you go and check it out. He's currently writing story versions of the Marlin episodes that we've done. Once it's complete, you can expect it to be up for download on our site.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
April 20, 2008
Hello there. Thought I better update the blog (partially since Kevin & Kyle have been nagging me to). Well, the new maps for Halo 3 have hit and seem to be very popular, especially the two remakes Blackout and Avalanche. Anyway, I made two quick videos about the maps. I started and completed both of them within about 2 hours on Tuesday morning. For the little amount of time I spent on them, they are chalk fill of laughs. The best one (in my opinion) is called "OMG NEW MAPS!". Please go check it out. The other video, which is called "Downloading...", is also worth checking out. Now time for some movie updates.
Since I've been very busy the past few weeks, I have been unable to work on any capturing/editing/any movie making. However, I have been coming up with some new plot ideas in my mind. This upcoming week is not nearly as busy for me, so hopefully we can get some stuff done, like capturing footage from the fan episode. And speaking of that...
How did the fan episode go? If you weren't there, you're probably asking this question. Let me tell you, it was a little (how should I put it)... hectic. There were some confused players as well as some disruptive one's. But with me and my soft heart, I didn't boot one person. Among all the players though, there were a few who were incredibly nice and who were big fans of the MTE series. I played a few custom games with them and they showed me some recreations they made of MTE maps. I was quite impressed. If I ever need any additional help, they will defiantly be high on my list. So will I do another fan episode? Maybe. I think though, I might hand select most of the players who behaved in the last fan episode, with 1 or 2 new people, and maybe a few fellows from Team Timeout. So if you want to be in a future fan episode, just remember not to beg and plead and annoy us. We're incredibly happy that you like our machinima, but hounding us just makes us want to avoid you, and we don't want that. Unlike some other machinima makers, we want to involve the fans and make them feel as though we're not some higher being. So behave accordingly, and who knows!
We hope to have the fan episode completed before the month is out, and then we really want to step up production on the MTE series (it's already almost May and we're not even half way through our season 2 schedule!). As for the new series, we'll work on it casually in-between Marlins, and then kick it into a higher gear during the summer. Like you may have heard, we want to get a couple episodes completed before we release the first one. So roughly around late summer/early fall. We want to do a good job on the series and make absolutely everything to our liking.
Well I hope you enjoyed reading this unusually long blog post (I hope you're happy Kevin & Kyle). Remember to submit you votes for the TPMAs before the April 26th deadline, and stay tuned for info on a possible live podcast episode to announce the winners!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Fri. April 11, 2008
We got some big news today! Sign-ups for the Marlin the Elite fan episode are up! The first 13 people who sign up get to be in the episode. Sorry, those are the party limits for Halo 3. The actual production of the episode will take place this Sun. (April 13th) at 1:00 P.M. (Pacific Standard Time). All instructions on how to join are in the video. Hurry and sign up, because there are already 5 slots that are filled! Also, the next episode of Marlin the Elite came out today: Episode 13: Unlucky?. Please go and watch that. Next up, we got some more news from the Halo Machinima Wiki site. Marlin the Elite AND Thomas Productions have taken spots on the Editor's Pick and the Highest Rated lists. Also, user Epeu (a.k.a. Kyle) is #1 on the featured users list.

Lastly, remember to vote in the Thomas Productions Movie Awards. Deadline is April 26, so get those votes in!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
April 6, 2008: PART 2
Just a super quick update. I just checked and we're currently #1 on the Editor's Pick on Halo Machinima Wiki!

Also, I recently found out that Kevin and Kyle put us on the front page of HMW (as seen in the last post). Turns out you can edit the front page as well!
April 6, 2008
UPDATE: Voting is now open for the second annual TPMAs (Thomas Productions Movie Awards). Click here to vote! Voting ends on Sat. April 26 at 11:59 A.M. (Pacific Standard Time), so get those votes in!

Also, were in this section on the front page as well:

So this is very good news. Help us out by visiting the Marlin the Elite Wiki page. Thanks!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
April 1, 2008
Well happy April Fools to one and all! Let's see what Marlin has to say about April 1st. This will be the last Message from Marlin for a while, since we wanna get rolling on some new episodes. In other news, we've been playing with some ideas for a new machinima series. It is waaaaaaaaay too early to even be telling you about this, since we're even not sure if it is really going to happen. I can tell you one thing though. If we're going to be making a new machinima series, it's going to be NOTHING like Marlin the Elite. 'Nuf said. Lastly, you might remember in my last post that there's now a Marlin the Elite wiki page. Well, I discovered that it was listed among Hollywood Halo and DigitalPh33r as the editor's pick.

For those of you with bad eyes, it's listed as #4. I'd say that's pretty good considering that we're ahead of Hollywood Halo and that DigitalPh33r has 2 pages. So thanks to Kevin and Kyle for kick-starting this! I've joined the Wiki bandwagon by creating a page for Thomas Productions. So go check those out. And without further ado, goodbye!
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