Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sun. Jan. 28, 2007

Hello everyone. I am making some Geico spoofs and I just completed the first one. You can view it on the side or you can copy and paste the link below into your browser. Let me know how you like it!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sat. Jan. 20, 2007

Hello everyone. I'll try to post more on the blog! Anyway, our new podcast episode is out. If you even want to, you can listen to it using the built-in player on the right (although if want to see the pictures that go along with it, you'll need to go to the official site). And if you'll also notice, there is a live Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (and Star Wars turns 30,even though there wasn't enough room to write that) countdown below that. I've been trying to post Pigeon Gone Punk on Google Video, but it hasn't been working. So I'm trying Bob's Bob Mart instead. I'm going to go check to see if it worked.


It's still being processed. I'll check in on it later. I've been thinking, it would be cool to have everyone on the forums at a discussion... or a Q&A with the cast and myself. What do you think? Email me at That's all for now!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mon. Jan. 8, 2006

Hello everyone, and happy 2007! As some people may already know, I did recieve the Apple laptop I wanted. Thank you to all the people who contributed to that. I already put it to good use. I edited and burned numerous movies that I wasn't able to because of stupid Pinnacle such as Pigeon Gone Punk, Pirates of the Backyard (both of them), and New Years with Anakin.

Some changes are also going into effect on the TP website, such as the new online shop. This will be up and running by the time our next TPCast airs (Friday). Speaking of the podcast, we have changed over from GCast to Pod-O-Matic. The reason being is that now we are able to have what is called an "Inhanced Podcast". That means if your listening through iTunes or an iPod, there will be pictures to acompany what we're talking about. Pretty cool! This means that if you suscribed to our podcast through a podcatched (like iTunes), you need to re-subscrbe. So look forward to our next podcast, and be sure to listen using iTunes or an iPod so you can see the pictures! Once again, happy new year!

P.S. Also, I just ordered Final Cut Experess (a step up from iMovie). That should be great.
